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Haiti cholera outbreak-2010 아이티 콜레라 발생-영어 ppt

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2010 아이티 콜레라 발생에 관한 영어 ppt 자료 입니다


1.Describe the epidemiological evolution of the outbreak
2.Which organizations responded to the emergency?
3.Epidemiological and laboratory surveillance
4.Implementation of reactive vaccination
5.Control of sanitation: what has been achieved
6.What were the reactions of the Haitians to the way the outbreak has been oriented by international actors?
7. Did the measures implemented following the outbreaks strengthen Haiti’s health system?


Cholera in Haiti: Risk factors for...

• Poorest nation
• Weak health system and infrastructures
• Majority rely on traditional healers
• Physical topography- conducive to flooding
• In October 2010, cholera importation triggered an epidemic - the cholera seventh pandemic.

참고 자료

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Farmer P (2013) Key statistics - facts and figures about the earthquake, cholera, and development challenges in Haiti. Manhattan: United Nations Office of the Secretary-General's Special Adviser for Community-Based Medicine and Lessons from Haiti. Available: http://www.lessonsfromhaiti.org/relief-and-recovery/key-statistics. Accessed 10 October 2013.
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