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Doekkaebi(도깨비), comparison with the goblins of other cultures (영문 레포트)

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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"Doekkaebi(도깨비), comparison with the goblins of other cultures (영문 레포트)"에 대한 내용입니다.


I. Introduction

II. Body
1. Comparison with Dokkaebi figures in Chinese tales
2. Comparison with Oni, the Japanese goblin
3. Comparison with goblins of the western society

III. Conclusion


Almost every society has its own monsters. They are creatures that often look terrible and are assumed to produce physical harm. The word itself, which originates from the Latin word ‘monstrum’, relates to the meaning ‘miracle’. However, not all monsters were violent and feared. Over time, we have begun to accept monsters as a more mysterious creature rather than a fearful one. Various social medias have been created starring them, the most famous being ‘Pokemon’ where monsters are appeared as friends of human beings.

The Dokkaebi is a popular mythological monster in Korea. Despite its hideous looks and superhuman strength, Dokkaebi is so loved that it is shown in various animations, dramas, comics and games.

참고 자료

Ki-yong Park, 어문학, <한국 도깨비 형상 연구 –중국 도깨비 설화와 비교를 중심으로->, 한국어문학회, Sept 2011
Mikyung Bak, Kyoto University, <The Folktlake “Hokpuri Yongkam” and the Visual Representation of the Korean Dokkaebi>, International Committee of Design History and Design studies, Dec 2014
Sohn, Dal-Lye, <동북아 문화연구, 서양의 고블린(Goblin)과 우리의 도깨비와의 관련성>, 동북아시아문화학회, Mar 2012
Oni, <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oni>, Wikipedia, 2017.05.08
Doekkaebi, <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dokkaebi>, Wikepida, 2017.05.08
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증
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Doekkaebi(도깨비), comparison with the  goblins of other cultures (영문 레포트)
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