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영어레포트 한국학생들의 시선으로 본 리더를 위한 효과적 특성(Griffith University)

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호주 그리피스 대학교(Griffith University) QIBT 과정 중
Academic Skills 수업 기말 레포트 입니다.
유학생들 필수과목으로 영문 레포트 쓰는 법에 대해 배웁니다.

주제는 Effective characteristic for leader With Korean student’s view
한국학생들의 시선으로 본 리더를 위한 효과적 특성에 대해 작성되었습니다.

그리피스 대학교 재학 중 작성했던 레포트입니다.
학교웹사이트 복제 검열 프로그램 확인 10% 이하 내용들입니다.
똑같이 하지 마시고 참조 후 수정하여 제출하세요!


1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

3. Literature Review

4. Method
4.1 Samples
4.2 Questionnaire
4.3 Procedures

5. Findings

6. Discussion
6.1 Korean student have positive view about group work and leadership.
6.2 having Leadership can be advantage for future job.
6.3 Effective characteristics and reason

7. Recommendations

8. Conclusion

9. The Reference List

10. 추가 참고 자료

11. Letter of transmittal

12. 설문지


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to provide right educational way for students, who have poor group work experience, at QIBT and how QIBT to do and what characteristics can be excellent tool for group work. Twelve Korean students were selected to complete questionnaire to know their background information and their opinion. Main findings are that Korean students have positive view about group work and leadership, group work can bring good advantages for future job and two types of characteristics can help. Recommendations are presented for Lecturer.

1.0 Introduction

Korean student’s view about group work and leadership, the reason why group work is encouraged by educational system and which characteristic is effective are presented by this report. It is authorized by Jenni Messina a lecturer at QIBT. The purpose of this report is to help student know vision of leadership, and reason of doing group work.

참고 자료

Duemer, L. S, Christopher M, Hardinm F, Olibas L, et al(2004) Case study of characteristics of effective leadership in graduate student collative work, P.721
Johnson C. E (2005) Meeting the Ethical challenges of leadership (2nd Ed), P.65-69, Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publication.
Lansbury R. D and Spillane R (1991) Organisational Behaviour: the Australian context (2nd Ed), P.60-77, South Melbourne: Longman Cheshire.
Little G (1988) Strong leadership, P.24-30, Melbourne: Oxford University press.
Yukl G (1998) Leadership in organisation (4th Ed), P.351-355, Upper Saddle River, N. J: Prentice Hall.
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영어레포트 한국학생들의 시선으로 본 리더를 위한 효과적 특성(Griffith University)
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