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전문학술영어 대학교 에쎼이 (수소 자동차)

최초 등록일
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2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"전문학술영어 대학교 에쎼이 (수소 자동차)"에 대한 내용입니다.




Hydrogen fueled car offers promising future to car industry and it would help to save the earth. Hydrogen fueled car is a representative eco-friendly car. It is different from other cars. Typically, it is operated by hydrogen instead of using diesel or unleaded gas. As people know, air pollution is a big problem, and there are many efforts to develop sustainable energy including hydrogen fueled car to relieve air pollution.

참고 자료

Hyundai official site: Information about Hydrogen fueled car ‘Nexo’, Retrieved from https://www.hyundai.com/kr/ko/e/vehicles/nexo/intro
Kim, J.S. (2013, December 5). :The main culprit behind the air pollution is car. Hankyoreh News, Retrieved from http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/environment/614223.html
Kang, G.C. (2021, March 30). : Incheon Declaration of Hydrogen Industry Leading City Kyeongin news, Retrieved from http://www.kyeongin.com/main/view.php?key=20210318010003912
Lim, Y.W. (2021, March 22). : Exhaust gas management of diesel cars at the limit. Naeil news, Retrieved from http://www.naeil.com/news_view/?id_art=380520
Lim, C. H. (2021, March 22). : Seoul will provide half the price of hydrogen cars starting from the 29th. KBIZ news, Retrieved from http://www.kbiznews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idx1no=7933
Park, E.L. (2009, September 25). Air pollutant in automobile smoke causes premature childbirth. Mdtoday news, Retrieved from http://www.mdtoday.co.kr/mdtoday/index.html?no=99479
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