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[연세대 10/10 A+] 공학생물학및실험(2) 1주차 PCR 결과레포트

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"[연세대 10/10 A+] 공학생물학및실험(2) 1주차 PCR 결과레포트"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Purpose
2. Results
3. Discussion
4. Further Study



The purpose of the experiment is to amplify a small sample DNA sufficiently into a single PCR product to ensure all sizes of DNA can be amplified to completion through the same process.

< 중 략 >

Figure 1 shows the DNA band of PCR sample after agarose gel electrophoresis along with two markers with given base pairs. The size of PCR products are conventionally calculated using the distance travelled on agarose gel after gel electrophoresis. Since only a digital copy of result image was given from the experiment, the tool Image Viewer on MATLAB was used to measure the distance travelled on gel in an arbitrary unit as shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the calibration curve of distance travelled on agarose gel against the logarithmic value of DNA size in base pairs to the base of 10. The size of DNA fragments in base pairs is converted into logarithmic value to the base of 10 to ensure a linear graph is plotted instead of a polynomial graph.

참고 자료

Bessetti, Joseph. “An Introduction to PCR Inhibitors” Promega.Es, promega.es/-/media/files/resources/profiles-in-dna/1001/an-introduction-to-pcr-inhibitors.pdf?la=es-es. Accessed 12 Sept 2021.
Cha, Rita, and William Thilly. “Specificity, Efficiency, and Fidelity of PCR”. genome.cshlp.org, genome.cshlp.org/content/3/3/S18.full.pdf. Accessed 12 Sept 2021.
“Experiment 3: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)”. Southeastern, southeastern.edu/Academics/Faculty/jtemple/486/experiment%203.pdf. Accessed 11 Sept 2021.
"Gel Electrophoresis (Article) | Khan Academy". Khan Academy, khanacademy.org/science/ap-biology/gene-expression-and-regulation/biotechnology/a/gel-electrophoresis. Accessed 11 Sept 2021.
Kroemer, Tyasning. "How To Interpret DNA Gel Electrophoresis Results | Goldbio". Goldbio, goldbio.com/articles/article/Interpreting-Gel-Electrophoresis-Results. Accessed 12 Sept 2021.
"PCR Amplification | An Introduction To PCR Methods | Promega". Promega.Kr, promega.kr/resources/guides/nucleic-acid-analysis/pcr-amplification/. Accessed 11 Sept 2021.
Schrader, C. et al. "PCR Inhibitors - Occurrence, Properties And Removal". Journal Of Applied Microbiology, vol. 113, no. 5, July. 2012, pp. 1014-1026. Wiley, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2012.05384.x. Accessed 13 Sept 2021.
"Top Ten Pitfalls In Quantitative Real-Time PCR Primer Probe Design And Use | Thermo Fisher Scientific - UK". Thermofisher, thermofisher.com/kr/ko/home/references/ambion-tech-support/rtpcr-analysis/general-articles/top-ten-pitfalls-in-quantitative-real-time-pcr-primer.html. Accessed 13 Sept 2021.
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[연세대 10/10 A+] 공학생물학및실험(2) 1주차 PCR 결과레포트
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