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[글로벌 헬스] 콩고민주공화국의 건강 문제 분석 및 해결방안 / A+ 레포트 입니다!

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1. Introduction and Context
2. Characteristics
3. Health issues and priorities
4. Domestic and international policy context
5. Domestic relationship in this issue area
6. International organizations and non-governmental organizations
7. Limitations and future improvements
8. Summary and Conclusion
9. References


1. Characteristics
A. Economical
According to data from the 2019 IMF, the total GDP of the DRC is about $43.9 billion and the GDP per capita is $500. Although it has been on the rise since 1990, it appears to have a low economic level compared to Korea's GDP.

B. Political
After signing a peace agreement in 2002, the Constitution was enacted in 2006 to establish a president-centered republic. The CPI (Corruption Perception Index), which indicates the degree of government corruption, was ranked 168 out of 180 countries with 18 points(2019). Since independence from Belgium in 1960, it has undergone constant corruption and regime change. Protests and strikes are frequently occurring as a result.

C. Historical
DRC became independent from Belgium in 1960 and the First Congo War of 1996 broke out under the influence of civil war in neighboring countries. Then, in 1998, the Second Congo War broke out and the war lasted for five years for a variety of reasons

참고 자료

방설아(Seolah Bang), 강명구(MyoungguKang). (2018). 개발도상국의 도시빈곤과 KOICA의 도시개발 원조사업에 관한 연구. 국제개발협력연구, 10(4): 55-71
Measles in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (2020). Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 98(2), 81–82.
Validation of maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (2019). Weekly Epidemiological Record, 94(44), 505–511.
“민주콩고서1천300만명 극심한 식량부족 시달려”, 연합뉴스, 2018.12.21.
“DR Congo reports new Ebola death, just days before declaring end of epidemic”, France 24, 2020.10.04.
“For Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the end will have to wait”, nature, 2020.04.10.
DR Congo: The crisis nobody is talking about, Youtube, CGTN Africa, 2018.03.28
Thousands of DRC children at immediate risk of starvation, UN warns, Youtube, euronews, 2017.10.31


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