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발달심리학 분야의 전통과 현대(2010~) 데이터 분석 방법 비교

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"발달심리학 분야의 전통과 현대(2010~) 데이터 분석 방법 비교"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Data Analysis Method Comparison: The Effects of Domestic Violence on children


Family is one of the relationships that has the greatest influence on a child’s physical and mental development. Thus, domestic violence against spouses or children is a serious problem that can destroy not only the present but also the future of children. Taking the impact of domestic violence on children's development as a central theme, we will examine how the data analysis method has changed in this topic.
Data Analysis Method Comparison: The Effects of Domestic Violence on children
In 1981, a paper investigated children exposed to marital violence to investigate the implications of the Basildon violence project. Researchers investigated ‘effects of marital violence upon the children’ and ‘family details’ simply using frequency and proportion.

참고 자료

Jean G. Moore, Anthony Galcius and Kevin Pettican. “Emotional risk to children caught in violent marital confclit-the basildon treatment project.” child abuse and neglect 5 (1981): 147-152.
Kevin J. Gully et al.. “Research Note: sibling contribution to violent behavior.” Journal of Marriage and Family 43 no.2 (1981): 333-337.
Joan Mccord. “a forty year perspective on effects of child abuse and neglect.” child abuse and neglect 7(1983): 265-270.
Chiung-Tao Shen, “Self-esteem of young adults experiencing interparental violence and child physical maltreatment.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 24 no.5 (2009): 770-794.
Megan R. Holmes. “The sleeper effect of intimate partner violence exposure: long-term consequences on young children’s aggressive behavior.” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54 no.9 (2013): 986-995.
Olivia Paul. “Perceptions of family relationships and post-traumatic stress symptoms of children exposed to domestic violence.” Journal of Family Violence 34 (2019): 331-343.
Shirin Ziaei et al.. “maternal experience of domestic violence before and during pregnancy and children’s linear growth at 15 years: finding from MINIMat trial in rural Bangladesh.” Maternal & Child Nutriton 17 no.3 (2021): 1-8.
Wen Li et al.. “A path analysis investigating the relationships between family violence, addictive behaviors. And trauma among adolescents in China.” Journal of Family Violence 36(2021): 709-720.
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발달심리학 분야의 전통과 현대(2010~) 데이터 분석 방법 비교
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