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[영문에세이/essay] 인사관리/ 빅바이트(Big Bytes) 구조조정에 관한 논문 과제물입니다.

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"[영문에세이/essay] 인사관리/ 빅바이트(Big Bytes) 구조조정에 관한 논문 과제물입니다. "에 대한 내용입니다.
Human Resource Management/ The restructuring of Big Bytes


1. Overview of the company’s situation
2. Summary & Diagnosis
2.1. Employee Morale
2.2. Operations + Logistics
2.3. Lack of Training
2.4. Perception of Efficiency + Efficacy
2.5. Talent Management and Remuneration
3. Proposed Goals of HR Plan
3.1. Short-Term Goal (1) - Performance Management
3.2. Short-Term Goal (2) - Talent Retention
3.3. Mid-Term Goal (1) - Talent Acquisition & Development
3.4. Mid-Term Goal (1) - Talent Acquisition & Development
3.5. Long-Term Goal
4. Concerns + Suggested Actions
4.1. Employee Morale
4.2. Operations + Logistics
4.3. Lack of Training
4.4. Perception of Efficiency + Efficacy
4.5. Perception of Efficiency + Efficacy
5. Implications, Possible Resistance Factors + Responses
6. Action Plan
7. Conclusion
8. Reference List and Bibliography


1. Overview of the company’s situation
Samantha has been an experienced retail store manager for a large department store for 10 years, but wanted more autonomy and direct contact with the public, as an occasion she was able to assist the manager of Big Bytes, a store that sells and repairs computer equipment and IT accessories. All Big Bytes stores were located in the centre of the mall. Brian Lam, owner of Big Bytes, wanted to hire an additional manager because he felt it was out of his control as the number of stores increased. This is because all stores have to be open seven days a week due to recent changes in shopping time regulations.
When Samantha was appointed, his only teaching for her was somewhat ambiguous as 'to see how each store is going and to let you know what you think' because Brian was a manager who, when all taxes and other regulatory requirements were met and the profits were satisfactory, transferred the control of the store to the store manager gradually and, hardly seen in practice. Thus, Samantha realized that Brian's approach was not able to bring satisfaction for the store and was not properly managed even at the worst after a two-month meeting and visiting.
This case shows that super administrators do not pay attention to the process or neglect and pursue only the result or the company's profit. At first, employees might be motivated by the company is being made by themselves. However, as time goes by, the employees notice that the management becomes neglecting to care of employees, then there is no one to know and evaluate properly and fairly about the employees' performance for their tasks, it causes them to lost faithfulness for the jobs.

참고 자료

Barner, R.W., 2000. Executive resource management: Building and retaining an exceptional leadership team. Davies-Black Pub.
Lee Whittington, J. and Galpin, T.J., 2010. The engagement factor: Building a high-commitment organization in a low-commitment world. Journal of Business Strategy, 31(5), pp.22
Morieux, Y., 2011. Smart rules: Six ways to get people to solve problems without you. Harvard Business Review, 89(9), pp.81
Salovey, P., Mayer, J.D., Goldman, S.L., Turvey, C. and Palfai, T.P., 1995. Emotional attention, clarity, and repair: Exploring emotional intelligence using the Trait Meta-Mood Scale.
Sheehan, N.T., 2010. A risk-based approach to strategy execution. Journal of business strategy, 31(5), pp.34
Studer, Q., 2007. Results that last: hardwiring behaviors that will take your company to the top. John Wiley & Sons.
Washburn, N.T. and Hunsaker, B.T., 2011. Finding great ideas in emerging markets.
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[영문에세이/essay] 인사관리/ 빅바이트(Big Bytes) 구조조정에 관한 논문 과제물입니다.
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