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[영문에세이/essay] 조직관리/ 챌린저(Challenger)의 기술 관련 논문 과제물입니다.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
26페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"[영문에세이/essay] 조직관리/ 챌린저(Challenger)의 기술 관련 논문 과제물입니다."에 대한 내용입니다.
Management of Organisations/ Challenger Technology


1. Introduction
2. Organisational Culture
3. Diversity vs Discriminatory
3.1 Surface-level Diversity
3.2 Deep-level Diversity
4. A Diverse Approach
4.1 Fair Employment Opportunity
4.2 Transparent in Selection
4.3 Re-training, Re-skilling
4.4 Right Fitting
4.5 Care for Employees
4.6 Personal Development
4.7 Fair Decision Making
5. Motivation vs Demotivation
5.1 Employee Engagement Methods
5.2 Employee Input vs Resource Distribution
6. A Strategy to Motivate
6.1 Rewarding Guidelines
6.2 Recognition
6.3 Sustainable Working Hours
6.4 Employee Voice
6.5 Regular Visits
7. Conclusion
8. Reference List and Bibliography
9. Appendixes – Reflection Report


About the Company
Challenger Technologies, a home-grown IT and electronics retailer has been in business since 1984. Founded by Mr Leong Thye Loo, he started off from a small computer accessories and software store called “Symphony” in 1985 at the old Funan Centre. Under his leadership, Symphony expanded its network to 14 retail outlets within 2 years of operation. In 1992, Mr Leong renamed “Symphony” to the now, Challenger Technologies Limited and since then, the company continued their progressive transformation and became the largest computer and electronics retailer in Singapore.
Their strength lies in having subsidiaries in various fields such as electronic signage and end-to-end integrated marketing solutions, offering a diversified approach to grow the businesses nationwide. Apart from serving the principal market in Singapore, they also serve overseas customers by offering e-commerce platform in Hachi.tech. Customers have more choices in not only having the convenience in visiting physical stores across the country, but they are also being offered the flexibility in purchasing products online.
Their right as Master franchisee provides an additional business system involving the provision of on-site IT services through franchise service providers. This business arm further enhances the customer interaction experience and direct marketing solutions, and at the same time, support their franchisee to achieve their business objectives of acquiring, retaining and growing customers.
Today, Challenger Technologies Limited boasts over 35 stores across Singapore and have become a household name which gives consumers much confidence in the brands they carry storewide.

참고 자료

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