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(A+ 발표자료) 21세기 전염병들과 코로나19와의 비교 (사스, 신종플루, 메르스, 코로나19) Epidemics in 21th century, how are they different from COVID-19 (PPT, 대본)

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34페이지/파일확장자 압축파일
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"21세기 전염병들과 코로나19와의 비교 Epidemics in 20th century, how are they different from COVID-19 (PPT, 대본)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Epidemics in 20th century, how are they different from COVID-19 발표대본.docx
2. Epidemics in 20th century, how are they different from COVID-19 PPT.pptx

1. Pre- & Post-COVID 19
2. Epidemic Warning Stage(WHO)
3. The Comparison of Epidemics
1) SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), 2002
2) Swine Influenza, 2009
3) MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), 2012
4) COVID 19 (Coronavirus disease), 2019
4. The Reason why COVID19 became a Pandemic
5. The Countermeasure for the next Pandemic


1.How has our life changed after COVID-19?
What is the big difference between pre-and-post-covid19? What kind of difficulties are we facing?
Let’s think about jobs, culture, economy, public health, education, etc. Is there anyone who wants to share ideas about this?
People working in the travel industry lost their job, working in the foodservice industry had to close their shops due to fewer customers, some of the people couldn’t get their treatment on time because of the pandemic, also some who were vaccinated to prevent the infection have lost their lives with no reason. Teachers are having more difficulties with teaching and student guidance because it’s harder to control them with just on the monitor.

First, SARS, is the abbreviation of (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). The first outbreak happened in Shunde, Guangdong, China on November 16, 2002.
Before we go on, I want to give out some terms explanation. Case Fatality Ratio, CFR means the proportion of episodes of illness that are fatal. Basic Reproductive Rate (R0) means = the average number of people infected by one person in a susceptible population. As the number gets bigger, it has much higher propagation.

Swine Influenza
the initial outbreak of Swine Influenza happened in North America in January, 2009. The confirmed cases were about 491 thousand and 18 thousand deaths.
CFR is pretty low which is 1%. It occurred in around 200 countries.
Normally, Swine flu viruses do not infect humans. However, human infections with variant viruses occur in people with exposure to infected pigs, so when infected pig coughs or sneezes and droplets with influenza virus in them spread through the air. If these droplets land in your nose or mouth, or are inhaled, you can be infected.
R0 is from 1~3. Has similar signs and symptoms as SARS.

MERS is the abbreviation of (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). The first outbreak happened in Saudi Arabia in April 2012 and this has not been eradicated. The confirmed cases are over 2000 and the deaths are over 800. Case Fatality Rate is 34.5% which is pretty high compared to other epidemics. The source of infections came from camels and it transmits like other viruses. Basic Reproductive Rate is very low, less than 1.

The full name of COVID 19 is Coronavirus disease 2019. The initial outbreak was found in Wuhan, China in November 2019. The confirmed case is 250 million and the number of deaths is 5 million as of this month. The case fatality rate is 7% and R0 is from 2~3.
The source of the disease was from a bat and the transmission and symptoms are the same as the above description of the diseases.

As in the epidemiological perspective, let’s review the main comparison we’ve gone through.
With the main focus on COVID19, we’re going to go one on one key comparison with other epidemics.
First, with the virus strain, COVID19 is called, SARS-CoV-2 which means SARS and COVID 19 are biologically close.
With the Basic reproductive Rate (R0) coronavirus present a pretty high number compared to MERS.

참고 자료

KBS News, [글로벌 돋보기] 세계 관광 산업 ‘충격의 성적표’…UNWTO “2년~4년 뒤 회복”,
한겨레, "교육감이라 학생들이 조금 덜 잤다"..교실 붕괴 현장 실감
연합뉴스, 서울 유치원ㆍ초등학교, 내일부터 전면 원격수업 전환
모두 질병관리청, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 참조
https://www.kdca.go.kr/npt/biz/npp/nppMain.do , https://www.cdc.gov/
질병관리본부, 정부의 신종인플루엔자 A(H1N1) 대응, pg.4

압축파일 내 파일목록

Epidemics in 20th century, how are they different from COVID-19 발표대본.docx
Epidemics in 20th century, how are they different from COVID-19 PPT.pptx
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(A+ 발표자료) 21세기 전염병들과 코로나19와의 비교 (사스, 신종플루, 메르스, 코로나19) Epidemics in 21th century, how are they different from COVID-19 (PPT, 대본)
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