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[테솔 A+ 리포트] Realizing the Importance of Relationship Between Language and Culture

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"[테솔 A+ 리포트] Realizing the Importance of Relationship Between Language and Culture"에 대한 내용입니다.




Often times, failure to communicate effectively with one another seems to result from the lack of understanding of each others’ cultures. In fact, the following extract from a text provides a keen explanation to such communication-related issues that I have experienced:
“If speakers of different languages do not understand one another, it is not because their languages cannot be mutually translated into one another – which they obviously can, to a certain extent. It is because they don’t share the same way of viewing and interpreting events; they don’t agree on the meaning and the value of the concepts underlying the words. In short, they don’t cut up reality or categorize experience in the same manner.” (Kramsch,, 2006)
As suggested in Kramsch’s attempt to clarify the idea behind linguistic relativism, people from different cultures frequently encounter communication issues not because of language itself, but because of different “ways of viewing and interpreting events”, in which case, we can refer to as ‘cultural differences’.

참고 자료

Kramsch, Claire. Language and Culture. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. Print.
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[테솔 A+ 리포트] Realizing the Importance of Relationship Between Language and Culture
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