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IB Biology Internal Assessment

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"IB Biology Internal Assessment"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Research Question
2. Introduction
3. Background Information
4. Materials
5. Method
6. Safety and Ethical considerations
7. Preliminary Trials
8. Variables
9. Qualitative observations
10. Raw data
11. Processed data
12. Statistical Testing
13. Evaluation
14. Works Cited


Research Question
Effect of different types of antibiotics on the germination rate of Pisum sativum seeds?
As the human race developed, several inventions were made to help our lives better. Antibiotics are one of them which significantly improved human health and life expectancy. Yet, it is considered a contaminant when it is found in the environment. Antibiotics get into the environment by mainly two ways: 1) When a person or an animal takes in antibiotics, excess of them, either in its original form or modified form, is released through their waste, or 2) through wastewater as unused antibiotics are discarded (“Antibiotics and the Environment”). They are known to have a significant effect on plant growth, its nutrition value, and the environment as it produces ‘super-microbes’ due to its promotion of antibiotic resistance (Lehman). Then what would be the effect of different types of antibiotics on the rate of seed germination? Would it accelerate it or decelerate it?
Background Information
Seed germination is a process of an organism growing from a seed. First, during imbibition, the seed absorbs the water which triggers the metabolic activation of the seed. Then, the energy is used to promote cell division and growth of the shoot (Allott and David 435).
Research done by Vaness Miden, et al. states that plant germination’s response may be positive or negative depending on the plant species and type of antibiotics, but plant trait was affected significantly even with a low concentration of any type of antibiotics.

참고 자료

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