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클래식음악산책 에세이 - 베토벤, 낭만주의, 인상주의, 20세기음악

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"클래식음악산책 에세이 - 베토벤, 낭만주의, 인상주의, 20세기음악"에 대한 내용입니다.


Part I
1. Ludwig van Beethoven : Symphony No.5 -I. Allergo
2. Romanticism : Frederic Chopin – Nocturne in C Sharp Minor
3. Impressionism : Claude Debussy – Prelude to the afternoon of a Faun
4. 20th century : Igor Stravinsky – The Rite of the Spring -Harbingers of Spring

Part II
1. What was the most interesting thing that you learned throughout Part II of the semester?
2. Which composer/ composition you liked the most in Part II and why
3. which assignment you enjoyed the most and why
4. What did you enjoy the most in the whole course during the whole semester.


Part I

1. Ludwig van Beethoven : Symphony No.5 -I. Allergo

Symphony No.5 was written by the German composer Ludwig van Beethoven between 1804 and 1808. In the late 18th century, the French Revolution was the critic historical event in Europe. The French revolution was a rebellion against Ancien Régime, the feudalism. Beethoven was influenced by this revolutionary sprit. In his early period, His musical work stays in Classical forms, but later he projects a new spirit in his music. He intended to be independent from Aristocrats, and wrote a music about personal expression. Furthermore, with the effort of overcoming his inner torment from his deafness, his music started to be more inner and expressional. That’s why he was considered as the bridge to the New era, the Romantic period.

The Symphony No.5 is belonged to Late Classical period. In detail, historians have divided his works into three period: Early, Middle, and Late.

참고 자료

Wright. C . Listening to western music 6h edition. Boston, USA : Schirmer
Beethoven : man, composer and revolutionary
ACM ppt 8, 9, 14, 15, 16
판매자 유형Silver개인인증
경희대 수업 리포트 중 A+ 받은 수업에 제출했던 자료들만 업로드합니다
등록된 전문분야가 없습니다.
판매자 정보
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클래식음악산책 에세이 - 베토벤, 낭만주의, 인상주의, 20세기음악
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