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생명공학 레포트 자료

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"생명공학 레포트 자료"에 대한 내용입니다.


I. outline

II. text
1. Diversification of Target Receivers and Ligand
2. Kinetic enhancement of Endosomal Escape
3. Multi-Targeting siRNA Drug
4. Resolving problems caused by Target Receiver Mutation


Biotechnology can be largely divided into red/green/white/fused bio depending on the field. Among them, Red Bio is a concept applied to the field of medicine/pharmacology, and the field of RNA therapy is also applicable. As red bio-technology develops, the medical paradigm changes from conventional post-treatment to prevention, allowing patients to proactively predict and respond to diseases.

참고 자료

Bobbin, M. L., John J. Rossi. "RNA (RNAi) 기반 치료제 : 약속을 이행합니까?" 약리학 및 독성학의 연례 검토 56 (Jan 2016) : 103-122. doi:
Debacker, Alexandre J et al. “Delivery of Oligonucleotides to the Liver with GalNAc: From Research to Registered Therapeutic Drug.” Mo le cu la rth e ra p y:th ejo u rn al ofth eAme ri ca nS o ciet yofG en eTh e ra p y vol.28,8(2020):1759-1771.doi:10.1016/j.ymthe.2020.06.015
Multivalent N-Acetylgalactosamine-Conjugated siRNA Localizes in Hepatocytes and Elicits Robust RNAi-Mediated Gene Silencing, Jayaprakash K. Nair, Jennifer L. S. Willoughby, Amy Chan, Klaus Charisse, Md. Rowshon Alam, Qianfan Wang, Menno Hoekstra, Pachamuthu Kandasamy, Alexander V. Kel’in, Stuart Milstein, Nate Taneja, Jonathan O’Shea, Sarfraz Shaikh, Ligang Zhang, Ronald J. van der Sluis, Michael E. Jung, Akin Akinc, Renta Hutabarat, Satya Kuchimanchi, Kevin Fitzgerald, Tracy Zimmermann, Theo J. C. van Berkel, Martin A. Maier, Kallanthottathil G. Rajeev, and Muthiah Manoharan, 2014 (49),16958-16961,DOI:10.1021/ja505986a
van den Berg, Fiona et al. “Advances with RNAi-Based Therapy for Hepatitis B Virus Infection.” Viruses vol.12,8851.4Aug.2020,doi:10.3390/v12080851
Rayamajhi, Sagar et al. “pH-responsive cationic liposome for endosomal escape mediated drug delivery.” Colloidsandsurfaces.B,Biointerfaces vol.188(2020):110804.doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2020.110804
Springer, Aaron D, and Steven F Dowdy. “GalNAc-siRNA Conjugates: Leading the Way for Delivery of RNAi Therapeutics.” Nucleicacidtherapeutics vol.28,3(2018):109-118.doi:10.1089/nat.2018.0736
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