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[딥페이크가 사회에 미치는 영향] The change that the Deepfake technology can bring to our society

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"[딥페이크가 사회에 미치는 영향] The change that the Deepfake technology can bring to our society"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. The footnote of Deepfake and its influence
3. The evolution history of detecting strategy of Deepfake
4. The social impact that Deepfake brought
5. Harms of Deepfake Technology


The meaning of ICT and its significance
ICT is an abbreviated word of ‘Information and Communication Technologies’ and is a basis of a creative economy. Especially, ICT is being associated with the big data, mobile, and artificial intelligence recently and this phenomenon is becoming a new trend. The examples of ICT are such as ‘Deepfakes’. ‘Satellite Broadband’, ‘Content Delivery Networks’, ‘IoT (Internet of Things)’ and so on. These technologies enable not only the connection among humans, but also the connection between humans and objects and the connection among objects.
The fourth industrial revolution and ICT
The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is an era of technology convergence, and this often leads to the unexpected innovative results in various fields of industries.

참고 자료

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[딥페이크가 사회에 미치는 영향] The change that the Deepfake technology can bring to our society
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