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성령의 역사에 대한 전통적모델과 현대적 모델의 비평적 분석 Critically analyse some Traditional and some Contemporary Models of Spiritual Direction.

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"성령의 역사에 대한 전통적모델과 현대적 모델의 비평적 분석 Critically analyse some Traditional and some Contemporary Models of Spiritual Direction."에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
1.1 What is Spiritual Direction?
1.2 Who are the spiritual directors and the directees?
1.3 Purpose of spiritual direction

2. Models of spiritual direction
2.1 Traditional Model of spiritual direction
2.1.1 What is Traditional Model of Spiritual Direction?
2.1.2 Forms of (or some) Traditional model of Spiritual Direction
2.1.2a. Desert Fathers/Mothers
2.1.2b John Wesley’s spiritual direction
2.2 Contemporary Models of spiritual direction
2.2.1 Spiritual guidance
2.2.2 Mentoring
2.2.3 Pastoral care/ Pastoral Counseling
2.2.4 Discipling

3. Analysis

4. Conclusion

5. Bibliography


Spiritual direction is an ancient Catholic tradition which dates back to the fourth century when some Christians took to living in the desert as a way of making a more radical commitment to Christianity and to their prayer life. According to Wilkie, desert fathers and mothers, like St. Anthony of Egypt, began offering spiritual guidance to new desert dwellers struggling with prayer and temptations. Subsequently, when monasteries were developed in the 6th century, senior monks or abbots were seen helping new monks to internalize the Benedictine rule and embrace a rigorous spiritual path. Again, in the 16th century there was a development of the 30-days spiritual exercises as a way of helping new seminarians to discern God's will in their lives. These exercises were formed to help a person make a free decision, and to make major life decisions with as much freedom as possible without any compulsion or attachment .

참고 자료

A. Jones. Exploring Spiritual Direction (New York: Seabury, 1982)
Bakke. J. A. Holy Invitations: Exploring Spiritual Directions (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000)
Barry. W. A. and Connolly. W. J. Practice of Spiritual Direction (San Francisco; Harper and Row Publishers, 1982)
Barry. W. A. Spiritual Direction and the Encounter with God (New York: Paulist Press, 1984)
Benner. D. G. Sacred Companions: The Gift of Spiritual Friendship & Direction (Downers Grove: Inter Varsity Press, 2002).
Cheon. B. Wesley’s Spiritual Direction (Seoul: Methodist University Press, 2007)
Clinebell. H. Basic Types of Pastoral Care and Counseling (London: SCM Press, 1984)
Douglas. D. W. Finding Spiritual Direction (Downers Grove: Inter Varsity Press, 1991)
Eberhard. A. Why We Live in Community: With Two Talks by Thomas Merton (Farmington: Plough Publishing House, 1995)
Edwards. T. Spiritual Friend. Reclaiming the Gift of Spiritual Direction (NewYork: Paulist Press, 1980)
Elizabeth. D. History of Christian Spiritualities (Bellevue: Spiritual Directors International, 2008)
Guenther. M. Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction (Darton: Longman and Todd Ltd, 1992)
Jean. L. The Love of Learning and the Desire for God (New York: Fordham University Press, 1982)
Jeoung. E. Spiritual Direction and Pastoral Care (Seoul: Soongsil University Press, 2003)
Leech. K. Soul Friend: Spiritual Direction in the Modern World (Darton: Longman and Todd Ltd, 1994).
Peter. B. Introducing Spiritual Direction (London: SPCK, 2003)
Rogers. C.R. ‘The Formative Tendency’ in Journal of Humanistic Psychology (Vol. 18. 1978)
Son. E. Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Direction (Seoul: Presbyterian Seminary Press, 2004).
Sperry. L. Transforming Self and Community: Revisioning Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Direction (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2002)
Telford. J. (Ed). The Letters of the Reverend John Wesley A.M. 8 Vol, June 28. 1766 (London: Epworth Press, 1960).
Thomas. K. ‘Spiritual Direction Part II’ in Contemplative Outreach News (Volume 11, Number 1. Summer 1997)
Thorne. B. ‘A Personal View: The Prophetic Nature of Pastoral Counseling’ in British Journal of Guidance and Counseling (Vol.29, No.4, 2001)
Thornton. M. Spiritual Direction (New York: Cowley, 1984)
Tracy. W. D. John Wesley, Spiritual Director: Spiritual Guidance in Wesley’s Letter (San Anselmo: San Francisco Theological Seminary, 2000)
Vine. W. E. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words (Nashville: Thomas Nelson publishers, 1985)
Webb. R. and Colbert. G. Discipling: A Process for Growing Believers in Their Faith. (Alpharetta: Church Planter Network Resource)
Warwick. W. ‘Spiritual/Pastoral Care’ in The Fifth International Gender Dysphoria Conference (Manchester. 1998)
Wilkie. Au. and Cannon. Au. N. The Discerning Heart: Exploring the Christian Path (New York: Paulist Press, 2006)
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성령의 역사에 대한 전통적모델과 현대적 모델의 비평적 분석 Critically analyse some Traditional and some Contemporary Models of Spiritual Direction.
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