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기업 분석 (아모레퍼시픽, LG 생활건강) 영어레포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"기업 분석 (아모레퍼시픽, LG 생활건강) 영어레포트"에 대한 내용입니다.


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Amore Pacific is a South Korean cosmetics manufacturing company newly launched in 2006 under the holding company system through the division of Amore Pacific Group. The first start was in 1932 with Yoon Dok-jeong's cosmetics business, which began to produce camellia oil. The Pacific Chemical Industry Company was established in 1945 and renamed AMORE PACIFIC in 2002. Since declaring an Asian beauty creator in 2006, it is currently leading the global beauty market. The name of the company is said to mean that "AMORE" with a feminine image and "PACIFIC" with a strong and masculine image meet to create beauty.
Amore Pacific has long been the undisputed No. 1 in the domestic cosmetics industry. But, it has fallen to second place after the THAAD crisis, behind LG Household & Health Care. In 2008, it led the cushion cosmetics craze by releasing the cushion-type foundation product "IOPE Air Cushion" for the first time in the world's cosmetics industry.
Amore Pacific has several brands in various fields such as cosmetics, perfumes, medical beauty, beauty devices, hair care, and body care.

참고 자료

https://www.apgroup.com/int/ko/index.html (Official website of AmorePacific)
https://www.lghnh.com:984/index.jsp (LG Household & Health Care Official Website)
AmorePacific 2021 Business Report
LG Household & Health Care 2021 Business Report
NICE Credit Rating Corporate Bills Report (NICE Credit Rating Corporate Bills Report AmorePacific, LG Household & Health Care/https://www.nicerating.com/disclosure/companyGradeInfo.do?cmpCd=2655943)
Naver Securities Co., Ltd
Yahoo! Securities Co., Ltd
Articles (Footnote)
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기업 분석 (아모레퍼시픽, LG 생활건강) 영어레포트
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