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[영작 에세이] Social Self-disclosure by Family-Oriented Social Network Services

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"[영작 에세이] Social Self-disclosure by Family-Oriented Social Network Services"에 대한 내용입니다.




All relationships, including family, are based on intimacy. In Family Communication: Cohesion and Change, one of the characteristics of intimacy is “a detailed and deep knowledge and understanding arising from close personal connection or familiar experience” (Galvin and Brommel 64). A series of studies have been done on how communication affects the intimacy of the family. For an accurate perception toward the family members, it is suggested to make open self-disclosure as an effective communication strategy. Self-disclosure is a willingness to reveal personal information to others. Intimacy forms while the listener starts to trust the speaker more for taking risk of disclosing private information (Galvin and Brommel 78). This interaction between self-disclosure and intimacy provides a basis of understanding the goal of family communication; forming trust and intimacy.
In the article The Female World of Cards and Holiday, Micaela Di Leonardo defines kin work as “the conception, maintenance, and ritual celebration of cross-household kin ties” (442). As one of the key aspects of kin work, I will focus on the work of keeping contact by Social Network Services (SNS).

참고 자료

Bruess, Carol J. Family Communication in the Age of Digital and Social Media. Peter Lang, 2015.
Choi, Sujeong. “The Flipside of Ubiquitous Connectivity Enabled by Smartphone-Based Social Networking Service: Social Presence and Privacy Concern.” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 65, Dec. 2016, pp. 325-333. ScienceDirect,
Galvin, Kathleen M, and Bernard J. Brommel. Family Communication: Cohesion and Change. Scott, Foresman, 2019.
Lang, Caroline, and Hannah Barton. “Just Untag It: Exploring the Management of Undesirable Facebook Photos.” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 43, Feb. 2015, pp. 147-155. ScienceDirect, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S07*************3.
Lee, Jiyeon, et al. “Home Talky: SNS Service for Sustainable Communication for all the Family Members across Every Generation.” Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 6 May 2017, pp. 1809-1815. ACM Digital Library, doi:10.1145/3027063.3053071.
Leonardo, Micaela Di. “The Female World of Cards and Holidays: Women, Families, and the Work of Kinship.” Signs, vol. 12, no. 3, 12 Sep. 2007, pp. 440-453. JSTOR,
“Social Network Services.” A Dictionary of Social Media, 1st ed., 2016.
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[영작 에세이] Social Self-disclosure by Family-Oriented Social Network Services
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