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전기차 배터리팩 내 열분석 및 성능개선 열유동해석(영어 발표 ppt 자료 및 레포트)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
30페이지/파일확장자 압축파일
가격 6,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"전기차 배터리팩 내 열분석 및 성능개선 (열유체 cfd 해석 영문 ppt, 영문 보고서)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
1.1 Background for selection of research topics
1.2 Selection of cooling methods
1.3 Theoretical background

2. Methods
2.1 Properties
2.2 Modeling
2.3 Mesh and Set up
2.4 Boundary Condition

3. Results
3.1 Iteration
3.2 Contour of temperature
3.3 Contour of heat transfer coefficien

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion

6. References


The demand for batteries is increasing due to the development of electric vehicles. However, there is a problem that the heat generation from battery increases as the charge and discharge cycle progresses and it leads the battery efficiency degraded. Therefore, we conducted analysis to control the generated heat from the cells and improve the cooling performance. In this report, we only considered lithium-ion batteries which are widely used and air-cooled method which has simpler structure than water-cooled system. We used cell properties of 21700 30T (Samsung SDI) and battery pack dimensions from Tesla Model 3 for our simulation realistic. We made 5 different battery pack models. As a default model, we set rectangular parallelepiped shape and inlet/outlet position at the center of the two facing sides. Then we moved inlet and outlet position about 90mm left, distributed the inlet, and added fins to battery pack’s outside and inside. For these models, we simulated air-cooled system and compared the result of battery cells temperature.

참고 자료

Frank P. Incropera, Principles of Heat and Mass Transfer 8th, Wiley [Accessed on 21.05.20]
Batemo cell library, Samsung INR21700-30T Batemo cell_data and report [Accessed on 21.05.20]
Jaehun Choi, Improved Cooling Performance by Staggered Cell Arrangement of Lithium-ion Battery Pack, Graduated School of Mechanical Engineering, Changwon Nat’1 Univ. [Accessed on 21.05.20]
Tmax Battery equipment, https://ko.batterymaking.com/product/cylindrical-cell-lithium-battery-material-for-18650-26650-32650-21700-cell-making-and-production_p518.html [Accessed on 21.05.20]
Seokil Kim, Experimental Analysis on the Thermal Characteristics of Lithium-ion Battery for ESS, Kangwon national university [Accessed on 21.05.20]
Hyun Jang Shin, Cooling CFD Analysis of a Car Batter Pack with Circular Cells, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yonam Institute of Digital Technology[Accessed on 21.05.20]
EV West, https://www.evwest.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=4&products_id=463&osCsid=rp0cj2i33tp2j88tnj80dto4e5 [Accessed on 21.05.20]
SeoKeunLee, A numerical study on performance of the air-cooling system of a cylindrical lithium-ion battery package with airflow direction, Graduate School of Automotive Engineering, Seoul National University of Science & Technology [Accessed on 21.05.23]

압축파일 내 파일목록

Thermal analysis and performance improvement within battery pack of EV.hwp
Thermal analysis and performance improvement within battery pack of EV.pptx
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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전기차 배터리팩 내 열분석 및 성능개선 열유동해석(영어 발표 ppt 자료 및 레포트)
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