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IB Extended Essay Biology Impact of postharvest treatment on apple

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30페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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본 문서는 2021년도 May Session에 제출한 Extended Essay로, 최종 34점 만점에 26점을 받았습니다.
선택 과목은 Biology이고 주제는 How do calcium chloride dip treatments of apples in different concentrations of calcium chloride influence nutritional value and quality of post-harvest Malus domestica (apple)?입니다
식품 가공 관련 주제로 EE를 쓰고 싶으신 분에게 도움이 될 것 같습니다


1. Chapter 1: Introduction
1) Research Question
2) Introduction
3) Literature review/background information
4) Hypothesis

2. Chapter 2: Methodology
1) Variables
2) Materials
3) Procedure: Manipulation and control of variable
4) Procedure: Choice of data processing and presentation

3. Chapter 3: Results

4. Chapter 4: Discussion and Conclusion
1) Discussion and Evaluation
2) Conclusion

5. Reference


Research Question
How do calcium chloride dip treatments of apples in different concentrations of calcium chloride influence nutritional value and quality of post-harvest Malus domestica (apple)?

Fruits and vegetables are essential for health as they are main sources of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers.Consuming fruits and vegetables every day can help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and certain type of cancer (World Health Organization, 2014). Because fruits and vegetables have high nutritional value and help reducing diseases, increasing fruit and vegetable consumption becomes a global priority. And as many people become more aware of health benefits of fruits and vegetables, a demand for fresh fruits and vegetables is growing.

However, unlike the growing demand, the global supply of fruits and vegetables is insufficient compare to the needs of the population (Melva R, 2014).

참고 자료

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