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[영문] GPS 항법장치도 없는 벌은 어떻게 장거리 비행하면서 자신의 위치를 파악할 수 있을까? How Can Bees Navigate Long-Distance Flight Without GPS Navigation Devices

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"GPS 항법장치도 없는 벌은 어떻게 장거리 비행하면서 자신의 위치를 파악할 수 있을까? [영문] How Can Bees Navigate Long-Distance Flight Without GPS Navigation Devices"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction to the role and function of GPS navigation system
2. Limitations of GPS Navigation Devices
3. Introducing bees' long-distance flight and localization abilities
4. Other sensory and cognitive abilities to locate bees
5. Research on bee location
6. Bee localization and technical applications
7. conclusion



Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation is a modern technology used for positioning. GPS works based on a network of satellites and can pinpoint a specific location on Earth. This navigator provides a variety of features to allow users to know their location in real time. The main roles and functions of GPS are as follows:

Positioning: GPS receives satellite signals to pinpoint your location. This lets users know where they are and where to go.

Speed and route tracking: GPS can track speed and route, recording your movement information in real time. This lets you know how far you've traveled, how fast you've moved, and more.

Directions: GPS combines with map information to guide you on the best route to your destination. The user sets a destination, and the GPS provides real-time route guidance for convenient movement.

Navigation Features: GPS provides the ability for users to search and find the desired place. Information such as nearby restaurants, hotels, and major attractions is explored and provided to the user.

참고 자료

Kim Dong-hwan, "Self-Location Recognition of Bees", 『Journal of the Korean Biological Society』, 2008.
Park Jae-won, "Self-Location Recognition Mechanism of Bees", 『Understanding Biology』, 2010.
Lee Jun-hyeok, "Study on self-location awareness of bees", 『Climate Change and Ecology』, 2012.
Jaecheon Choi, "Self-Location Recognition of Bees", 『The Ant』, 2014.
Han Sang-hoon, "Self-Location Recognition of Bees", 『The World of Bees』, 2016.
판매자 유형Gold개인인증
논문, 공학/기술, 프로그램소스
판매자 정보
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[영문] GPS 항법장치도 없는 벌은 어떻게 장거리 비행하면서 자신의 위치를 파악할 수 있을까? How Can Bees Navigate Long-Distance Flight Without GPS Navigation Devices
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