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Reforms of Napoleon in the French Revolution_소논문_민사고_간제

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제가 고등학교 때 간제선생님 수업에서 나폴레옹의 개혁과정을 분석한 소논문 입니다.
생기부에 매우 자세하게 기재되었습니다. 영어로 작성한 것도 큰 장점이었던 것 같습니다.


1.Purpose of study
2.Scope of study
3.Method of study

ii.Napoleon’s Reform
1.Timeline of Napoleon’s Reform
2.Economic Reform
3.Educational Reform
4.Religious Reform
5.Legal System Reform
6.Political Reform
7.Social Reform
8.Military Reform
9.Other Reform
10.Organized Chart
11.Evaluation List

iii.Importance of Napoleon in Each History Textbook
1.Whether the table of the contents uses the word “Napoleon”
2.How many pages the book deals with the history of Napoleon

iv.Evaluation of Each History Textbook
1.The Earth and Its Peoples (Bulliet and 4 other authors)
2.Ways of the world (Robert W.Strayer)
3.World History (Ellis Esler)
4.Western Civilization (Steven Hause, Wiliam Maltby)
5.World History (Spielvogel, MCGraw-Hill)
6.The World’s History (Howard Spodek)

1.The Final Organized Chart including all the reform
2.Limitation of Study
3.Meaning of Study


vii.Reference List


Before beginning the paper, there are some words which need to be defined clearly. First, the word “author” refers to “author of this paper”, which means “me”. Secondly, there are occasions when I should mention the author of the book I research. In that situation, I used the word “writer” to distinguish “the author of the paper” from “the author of the books I research”.

1.Purpose of study
History is not the truth itself. History is produced by historians including their different viewpoints and opinions. Because of their different opinions, historian might intentionally omit and exaggerate some specific factors to express their opinion effectively and indirectly. So, it is essential to double-check the produced history with more than two sources if the history is omitted or exaggerated by them. There might be the informational error in the history. Also, it is necessary to interpret these histories in the right ways, too. Thus, the author of the paper will have a process of comparing history textbooks with analyzing and interpreting the various views on the facts of the history.
There are a lot of controversy with Napoleon’s political achievements except for his military achievements. So, the author wants to reason whether Napoleon really contributed the achievements to be done.

2.Scope of study
The author wanted to deal with a whole history of Napoleon, but, for the better interpretation and analyzing, limiting the scope of the study would make the research much better. So, limited the scope of my research just for the reform of Napoleon, so-called “The political achievements done by Napoleon”, which means it is except for the Napoleon’s military achievements.

참고 자료

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