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Metaverse Business Case Analysis

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


I. Introduction 1

II. Metaverse case analysis 2
1. Augmented Reality 2
2. Lifelogging 3
3. Mirror Worlds 4
4. Virtual Worlds 5

III. Implication 6

IV. Conclusion 7

Ⅴ. References 8


Due to COVID-19, governments around the world have implemented social distancing quarantine policies. People who spend more time at home have begun to practice their daily lives offline in an online environment. Meetings, classes, meetings with friends, concerts, and fan meetings were held online. Metaverse made this online meeting place possible. Metaverse is a concept born by combining 'meta', which means 'transcendence', and 'universe', which means space. In other words, it means another space that transcends the universe. It usually means an online platform.
It is hard to say that Metaverse is a completely new concept. This is because even before the word metaverse existed, we communicated with our friends through SNS and experienced a virtual space called a game. Metaverse, a new concept, was applied to the space where all these activities were conducted.
Roy Taylor, founder and CEO of Ryff, suggested that Metaverse is a concept that can be substituted with cyberspace and that it does not refer to a particular type of technology, but to a wide range of changes in the way we interact with it . In fact, metaverse can be divided into four large types. The four types have something in common that they are conducted online. After the concept of metaverse was born, we are relying more on metaverse platforms and increasing interactivity. This new transition is called a metaverse. Nevertheless, many people still recognize Metaverse only as a game using VR and AR. Metaverse shows how we can leverage digital technology to interact with online platforms rather than simply referring to a single field. It is an innovative strategy used and a way to communicate with online platforms.

참고 자료

전황수, 한미경, 장종헌(2017). 증강현실 기술개발 동향. ETRI.
Designdb. 메타버스, 어디까지 알고 있나요?(2022.07.12). https://www.designdb.com/?menuno=1280&bbsno=7338&siteno=15&act=view&ztag=rO0ABXQAOTxjYWxsIHR5cGU9ImJvYXJkIiBubz0iOTg5IiBza2luPSJwaG90b19iYnNfMjAxOSI%2BPC9jYWxsPg%3D%3D#gsc.tab=0
IRS Global. AR(증강현실)의 활용 사례 및 향후 시장 전망. 2020.04.08. https://www.irsglobal.com/bbs/rwdboard/14501.
Yafit homepage. https://yafitcdn.yanadoo.co.kr/yanadoo/promotion/yafitAllInOne.html.
김정우. 거울 세계를 가능하게 하는 디지털 트윈. 2022.08.11. https://www.2e.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=302161
윤지혜. "2.5억명 홀린 K메타버스" 기업가치 10배 뛴 '제페토'의 비결. 2022.01.09. https://news.mt.co.kr/mtview.php?no=2022010816203424127
판매자 유형Diamond개인인증


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