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폭풍의 언덕_ 히스클리프에 대한 캐서린의 사랑은 우정인가, 이성애인가

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"폭풍의 언덕_ 히스클리프에 대한 캐서린의 사랑은 우정인가, 이성애인가"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Construction of Wuthering Heights
3. Catherine’s love
4. Conclusion



The reason why I decided to write an essay about the book “Wuthering Heights” is because I am interested in 19th-century English novels. I have read “Pride and Prejudice” before, which is the representative work of 19th-century English novels along with “Wuthering Heights”, but I have not read this book yet. Thus, I thought it was a good opportunity to get to know about this work.
Emily Bronte was born on 30 July 1818 in Thornton, Yorkshire, England, and passed away on 19 December 1848 in Haworth, Yorkshire, England, at the young age of 30. As she is famous for her work "Wuthering Heights," many people think of her only as a novelist, but she was also a poet who wrote a bunch of poems. However, “Wuthering Heights” is her first and last novel.
The 1850s, the period when Emily Bronte was active, was a Victorian era in England, where romantic and moral forms of novels were mainstream. However, “Wuthering Heights” which is depicting morbid love is completely different from the rational works of that time.

참고 자료

Brontë, E. 2003, Wuthering Heights. London: New York: Penguin Books.
Daehae, C. 2015, “The Structural Meaning in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights” in The New Studies of English Language&Literature. Vol.0 (62), pages (181-202)
Gleckner, R. 1959, “Time in Wuthering Heights” in Criticism. Vol.1 (4), pages (328-338)
Oakland, K. 2016, “Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë: Window into the Soul of an Adolescent Girl”, bachelor's thesis (B.Sc.). PALACKY UNIVERSITY IN OLOMOUC. Faculty of Arts
Shaunami, G. 1973, “The Unreliable Narrator in Wuthering Heights” in Nineteenth-Century Fiction, Vol.27 (4), pages (449-468)
Weirong, Q. 2019, “How is Wuthering Heights a Gothic Novel?” in International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences. Vol.4 (5), pages (1578-1583).
https://namu.wiki/w/%ED%8F%AD%ED%92%8D%EC%9D%98%20%EC%96%B8%EB%8D%95 (late accessed 24th May 2023)
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