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cost and quality management plan-프로젝트 매니지먼트 전공 과제 - project management - stakeholder, scope, estimation

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Scope statement

Project Name Solar panel installment in Lord Kelvin school
Start/End dateOctober 1, 2021-December 31, 2021(3months)
BudgetCAD 27,000
Project justificationThis solar panel installment in the school will enable the community (parents and near the neighborhood) to raise awareness on solar energy and installment, and supplement electricity demand of the school partially and enable it to reduce its carbon footprint.
DescriptionThis project is about installing solar panels on the roof of Lord Kelvin Elementary school. This is a pilot project, therefore once it is completed, New Westminster City will evaluate the result and process then will expand this project into the full project so every school in British Columbia to be installed to reduce carbon footprint.

Objective1. Present this to students and parents, which means the local community to be a good role model for using clean energy to reduce carbon footprint
2. reduce general electrics but use solar energy
3. Encourage local communities to adapt, install solar energy at their own house
4. can reduce utility costs and earn back the initial installation costs in 7-20years.


1. Introduction
2. Scope statement



Cost Plan

The budget and cost are direct payment from the City of New Westminster. No government subsidy or incentive for solar energy system is not considered. Total cost budget is CAD 35000 for this 3-month pilot program. According to Energy Hub organization data, the cost to pay for the solar system is average 2.54~2.79 dollar per watt. And the sunlight per year in BC is average 1004 hours (2021). General household use utility(electric) per year is about 15,000 kWh. Hence, to sum up those data which was researched, and consider this is a pilot system to promote solar energy to residential homes in education perspective, and not to cover whole electric usage of the school, we have set the size of the solar system into 7.5 KW system, which is generally takes C$ 22,500 installment costs and considering covid era labor market, we have added labor cost and reserve as well.

참고 자료

Ulrike Leone. [Image] Open source from Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/users/ulleo-1834854
European Commission. July 14 2021. Press release. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_21_3541
Prentzel, O. Sep 22, 2020. ColoradoPolitics. https://www.coloradopolitics.com/denver/study-20-of-airports-use-solar-energy-dia-among-largest-solar-projects-in-u-s/article_af94b1d2-4238-56fc-8aae-785baa0e3314.html
Energy Hub. (published by Rylan Urban). Jan 14 2019. https://www.energyhub.org/cost-solar-power-canada/#system-costs
Polaron. 2021. https://polaronsolar.com/british-columbia/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwwNWKBhDAARIsAJ8HkhdC9zXGib05F0an-7llVULsBb3k3Z8Ls-ywUYWldE14DDGxZ---kxoaAnVuEALw_wcB
Enbar, N. Weng, D. & Klise, G. Dec 01 2015. U.S.Department of Energy. https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1234935
Unbound Solar. 2021. https://unboundsolar.com/solar-information/return-on-solar-investment
Dixon, W. L. (1987). Quality Management. PM Network, 1(3), 15–18
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cost and quality management plan-프로젝트 매니지먼트 전공 과제 - project management - stakeholder, scope, estimation
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