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the ethical issuses surrounding linkage analysis and genetic counseling

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Linkage analysis is a medical technique that aids in the identification of disease-related genes (chromosomal segments) in humans. People use this genetic technique to identify heritable traits that can lead to fatal diseases later in life, such as breast or ovarian cancer.

1 Consider some of the ethical issues surrounding linkage analysis/genetic counseling.

2 And think of any potential psychological effects that this type of technique could have on both the person who experiences it and the person who cannot, despite their best effort.

I provided answers to these questions.




Linkage analysis and genetic counseling can raise several ethical considerations:
1. Privacy and Consent: Genetic counseling often involves collecting and sharing sensitive genetic information. Ensuring informed consent and protecting the privacy of individuals is crucial. There may be concerns about how genetic information is used and whether individuals are adequately informed about the implications.
2. Discrimination: Individuals may fear genetic discrimination, such as denial of insurance coverage or employment, based on their genetic predispositions.

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탑툰 이벤트
the ethical issuses surrounding linkage analysis and genetic counseling
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