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<현역의대생> 'The Zero Marginal Cost Society' 영어독후감

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"The Zero Marginal Cost Society 소논문"에 대한 내용입니다.




The time when I first learned economy was probably I had followed my parents going to banks when I was baby. And the time when I first studied the concrete concept of economy was I had read the book, <The History of Economy for teenagers> when I was 15 years old. In this book, it explained the basic economic notion such as exchange rate with the flow of development of economy through historical events. The most impressive thing was I could solve my long-time trouble clearly. I have always concerned that, "Is that everyone can be rich if we just print more money?" And this book accounted me a new economic idea called inflation, which drops monetary value and raises all the price of items with the increase amount of currency. At that time, I first plunged into the attraction of economy. To gratify my curiosity, I read the chapter <CROWDFUNDING SOCIAL CAPITAL, DEMOCRATIZING CURRENCY, HUMANIZING ENTREPRENEURSHIP, AND RETHINKING WORK> on the book, <The Zero Marginal Cost Society> written by an American economist, Jeremy Rifkin. This chapter is largely divided into four categories; 'PEER-TO-PEER SOCIAL LEDNING', 'REPUTATION RANKINGS AND COMMONS CURRENCIES', 'SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP', and 'NEW KINDS OF EMPLOYMENT.' The author leads the readers to 'Collaborative Commons', debating profit and trust between capitalistic and social economy.

The first story is called 'PEER-TO-PEER SOCIAL LENDING'. Before talking about, the near collapse of the global banking system in 2008 terrified millions of people in U.S... All financial institutions and ordinary people got damaged. But, the U.S. government chose not the public but the institutions, bailing out the biggest ones with public funds. The American public was enraged that $700 billion in tax revenue was handed over to banks.

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&lt;현역의대생&gt; &#039;The Zero Marginal Cost Society&#039; 영어독후감
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