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제프리초서 The Wife of Bath's Tale 의 여성 캐릭터 분석

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"제프리초서 The Wife of Bath's Tale 의 여성 캐릭터 분석"에 대한 내용입니다.


2.Brief introduction of The Wife of Bath’s Tale
3.Analysis of the Wife of Bath
4.Comments on the Wife of Bath


Jeffrey Chaucer, who was not only referred to as the father of English poetry, but also had a great influence on the settlement of medieval English literature, has written the Canterbury Tale since his wife died in 1387. The Canterbury Tale did not explain the upper-class society in which Chaucer himself was living as the subject or theme of the work but instead described various human images of the lives of ordinary people of the time. In this regard, many people would have been able to approach this work intimately at all times.
The Wife of Bath is a central figure in The Wife of Bath’s Tale, one of Jeffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tale, and she is a woman who gets married five times and enjoys speaking loud. Therefore, she gets criticized by religious people and Christians who go on a pilgrimage to Canterbury. However, in modern times, the Wife of Bath is reevaluated as an arch-feminist (Il-jae 119).

참고 자료

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales: General Prologue
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue & Tale. Trans. Jin-man, Kim. Seoul: Tamgushinseo, 1976. Print.
Delany, Sheila, “Sexual Economics, Chaucer’s Wife of Bath and the Book of Margery Kemp.” Feminist Readings in Middle English Literature: The Wife Bath and All Her Sect. Eds. Evans Ruth & Johnson Lesley. London: Routledge, 1994, 72-87. Print
Il-jae, Cho. “Feminism in the English Literature of the Middle Ages: Focusing on The Wife of Bath.” Literary Criticism Today (1991): 107-32. Print.
Shaharm, Shulamith. The Forth Estate: A History of Women in the Middle Ages. Trans. Ae-li, Choi. Seoul: Nanam, 2010. Print
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