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[마케팅] Brand and Branding

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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1. ‘Brand’ and ‘Branding’
1-1. Definition of ‘Brand’
1-2. Brand Equity
1-3. Brand Identity
1-4. S.T.P (Segment, Targeting, Positioning) and Brand Extension



1. ‘Brand’ and ‘Branding’

1-1. Definition of ‘Brand’
We are living in an uncertain and unpredictable business situation. Moreover, owing to the downward trend of world economy, most companies encounter overcapitalization and decrease in demand. In these difficult conditions, building a strong brand can be suggested as an alternative to be effective and successful in business. (Han, 2002)
In early period, brand had a meaning of a code, which simply distinguishes one product from other products by different names. Thus, brand was considered as an identical concept as product. However, as the process of customer’s choice becomes more complex, brand grows to be more meaningful than the past. As a result, these days branding is regarded as an essential factor in marketing and most enterprises make efforts to build a successful brand. (Aaker. D. A, 1991)
However, still lots of people often misunderstand ‘brand’ with product itself. Therefore, in order to define ‘brand’, it is necessary to distinguish brand from products. S. King(1998), the entrepreneur of WPP Group in London, compared product and brand in Business Week(1998, fall) like below.

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[마케팅] Brand and Branding
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