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[조직이론] Case Analysis of 3M company

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


2달 걸처서 힘들게 작성됐습니다. 몰론 영어로 쓰였고요


Ⅰ. External Environment
Ⅱ. Internal Environment
III. Current Strategies of 3M
IV. Pros and Cons of 3M Current Strategies
V. Future Corporate Strategies based on the BCGM.
VI. Divisional Analysis [Health Care Division]
I) External Environment - Porter
II)Internal Environment
Ⅶ. Divisional Analysis [Display and Graphics]
I) External Environment - Porter
II)Internal Environment


V. Future Corporate Strategies based on the BCGM.
* Note : "Relative Market Share" was based on [profit rate(%) on total sales], for comparing sales of a 3M "Division" and a Competitor's "Corporation" would not be valid.
"Relative Business Growth" was sampled from finance.yahoo.com [5 yr industry growth rate]
1) Health Care : A Question Mark. 3M does not hold a large market share compared to large competitors such as JNJ and Bayer. But the growth rate is not bad. It should try and become a Star. 3M Healthcare division should continue to invest in new products and reinforce its brand name until investments in the division starts to produce results.

참고 자료

1.Organization Theory and Design
8th edition Richard L.Daft
2.Organizational Behavior and Management
6 edition Ivancevich Mantteson
3.3M 홈폐이지에 재무재표 차트
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[조직이론] Case  Analysis of 3M company
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