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[영어작문] 연세대학교 영어작문 피노체트 재판

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영어 강의인 지구촌 시대의 문화인류학에서 작성한 논설문

국제화된 자본에 이어 국제화된 사법시스템의 예를 잘 보여준 피노체트 제판에 대한 영어 논설문




UNglobalized Justice System in the Globalized World

In 1998, Augusto Pinochet- the former head of Chile, who committed brutal genocide and other terrible crimes for 17 years while he was in power, came to under detention by British justice at a request of Spanish judge Balster Garzon a man with a strong sense of justice. Garzon wanted to Pinochet to be extradited to Spain to get him punishment for crimes what Pinochet had committed. Though British justice succeeded in detaining him and putting him under house arrest for 17months, British government ,however, helplessly or intentionally, send this man who well deserves for the wrath of God to his own country Chile. “Helplessly” means they had to reliese him because of his weak physical health, “ Intentionally” means british didn’t want to entangle or they worried that they might lose visible invisible interest by helping send him to Spain. In that process, the old dictator board on Chilian airforce plane.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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