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[자연과학, 사회과학](영작) 인간에 있어서 유전자변형 기술의 중요성

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5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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이 글은 유전자변형 기술의 중요성과 그 장단점들에 대해서 기존 연구와 사회단체들간에 주장되어온 그들의 이론들을 본 저자에 의해서 상호 비판 또는 찬성하면서 서술되었다. 그 중에서도 유전자 변형 식품(genetically modified (GM) food)들에 대해서 중심적으로 다루고 있다.


연구의 목적과 의의
유전자 변형 기술의 장단점 : 각종 연구와 사회단체들의 주장를 가지고


Some people argue that Genetically Modified (GM) Foods are harmful to human health, result in causing environmental problems, and cannot save from hunger and famine. However, I believe firmly that GM foods are so helpful to improve human lives. Such reasons are that the plant biotechnologies can produce new job and make information related to agricultural science, and GM technologies is the solution of deficient problems on foods. Accordingly, through developing a GM technology, we should take into serious considerations in several points to keep human plentiful lives.
First of all, some people say firmly that GM foods have been actually recognized badly in the point that GMs lead to environmental problems related to human health, and monopolized some products commercially. For example, Firstly, in case of Green groups and NGO (non-government organization) that have supported environmental problems raise a lawsuit against U.S. department of agriculture, they do not believe the result of studies that GM crops are valuable in reducing pesticide and increasing farmers’ benefit. Due to such doubt, nobody will buy GM crops for their own health (Clayton, 2003). Also, though the world has a surplus of food by GMs, there are actually famine and deficiency in many areas. It is because GM technologies have been distorted by the government and the corporations related to GMs, and actually these groups have never considered people’s tendencies intentionally, without the purpose of development emphasized on consumers’ choice and their health. That is to say, they had only malicious intentions that would monopolize their products through GM technologies to earn money (Monbiot, 2004). Moreover, Dr.

참고 자료

Pinto, Y. et al. (1999) Nature Biotechnology 17: 702-707.
Peng, J. et al. (1999). Nature 400256-261.
Worland, A. et al. (1999). Nature 400: 256-261.
U.S. National Research Council (2000). Genetically modified pest-protected plants: science and regulation. National Academy Press: Washington, D C, USA.
Chris Clayton (November 16, 2003). The battle over biotech boosters of genetically modified crops continue to find their share of critics who question such foods’ safety; from Omaha World Herald.
Stephen Handleman (February 24, 2004). A food fight that affects us all: from The Toronto Star.
George Monbiot (Adapted) (March 9, 2004). Starved for the truth: Biotech firms are out to corner the market; from The Guardian (London).
The Guardian (London) (February 20, 2004): adapted. Bad for the poor and bad for science: Genetically modified crops will not help the developing world.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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