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Tourism in New Zealand, (영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Tourism in New Zealand 라는 주제로 직접 만든 자료이며 자료내의 모든 내용을
source를 가지고 직접 writing 했습니다.
외국인 선생님의 첨삭을 받은 자료입니다.


Tourism in New Zealand
<Facilities and Infrastructure>


<Facilities and Infrastructure>
Firstly, Rotorua has brilliant transport linkages. For example, daily flights, trains and buses which are linked with Rotorua. In addition, major international and all national car companies, and campervan companies have branches in Rotorua. In terms of accommodation, Rotorua also has excellent and sufficient facilities which is including different kinds of rooms for approximately 14,000 visitors, ranging from NZ$15 per night for backpackers to $300 per night for gorgeous hotel rooms.
Other noticeable facilities are wise range of restaurants, bars, clubs, and the convention centre which caters 700 people in its auditorium. (David Mcpherson, 2004)

참고 자료

David Mcpherson, Year13 Geography tourism workbook, 2004
www.rotoruanz.com, Retrived 16th Feb, 2006
Marie Kim, Insight guide New Zealand, 1999
Haeremai to cultural torism, Stuff, SEP, 2005
Vision Rotorua attracting strong interest, Scoop,Sep, 2004
www.waitomo-museum.co.nz, Retrived 8th Mar
www.waitomocave.co.nz, Retrived 16th Feb, 2006
www.kingcountry.co.nz, Retrived 16th Feb, 2006
Waitomo limestone theory caves in, The Dominion, Feb, 2000
www.tourism.net.nz, Retrived 16th Feb, 2006
www.ibike.org, Retrived 17th Mar, 2006
Paint clue may trap Waitomo vandals, Stuff, Jan, 2006
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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