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태국의 푸미폰 국왕의 정치사회적 역할 신문기사 스크랩(1997-2000년도)

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18페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


태국 푸미폰 국왕의 정치사회적 역할에 관한 영자 신문기사 스크랩입니다...




Amazing Thailand (Gets Under Way 1998-01-23 - koreaherald)
The Thai government has declared 1998-99 the ``Amazing Thailand Years` in celebration of Thailand playing host to the 13th Asian Games as well as the 6th cycle birthday of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, which will reach the auspicious age of 72 Dec. 5, 1999.This new promotional campaign aims to attract more overseas visitors to Thailand and to encourage Thai people to undertake more travel within the kingdom. Both public and private sector organizations joined forces to mark the Amazing Thailand promotion during the nine-day Amazing Thailand grand openingceremonies between Dec. 27, 1997 and Jan. 4, 1998 at the Phramane Ground and areas adjacent to the historic Rattanakosin Island.
In a brief statement, Thailand Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai stressed Thailand will perform the `98-99 Amazing Thailand as foreign currency income strategy to overcome the nation`s worst loss which resulted from financial crisis, serious foreign currency insufficiency and heavy economic slump in 1997.The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) expects that through the campaign TAT would induce at least 14 million tourists for two years and earn 600 billion baht. The promotional campaign was officially launched with 30 celebrations events in Sanam Luang Square (Royal Stadium). Bangkok, on Dec. 27.About 3,000 people participated in the events.

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태국의 푸미폰 국왕의 정치사회적 역할 신문기사 스크랩(1997-2000년도)
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