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Empowerment(Fab sweets) Organizational Behavour

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14페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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조직행동론(Organizational Behavour) Empowerment에 관한 대학원(MBA) 과제물입니다..분량은 4000자이고 영국 대학에서 사용한것으로 좋은점수 받았습니다..필요하신분 잘쓰시길..


1.0 Introduction
2.0 Definition
2.1 General definition
2.2 Necessity of Empowerment
2.3 The concept of Empowerment

3.0 Case Study : FAB Sweets LTD
3.1 Back ground
3.2 Existing Management and Production problems
3.3 . Discussion & Solution

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Bibliography


1.0 Introduction

It has been regarded crucial thing that the companies are having a most interest how organization members take a charge task and it feels will be able to devote autonomously in an organizational order. From like this viewpoint, the empowerment has been embossed that the employee will think by magnetism and it cultivates the ability it will can decide the possibility of having the firm belief against own ability in order to be.

In this situation the competitive environment changes suddenly, it should be recognized the changing circumstances prompt and properly. It is appropriate to be focus on ability that the ability of the member who confront is important in corporation’s success, consequently the interest against the empowerment to be coming regarded highly.

2.0. Definition

2.1 General definition

In a dictionary definition demonstrate that Empowerment are giving an ability inspiration, a force or an authority, does being possible, with the fact that it permits and the force thing. The concept of empowerment is from early of 1980`s used in the management area, however originally it from previously that the empowerment was used first from field of politics, society and environment.

참고 자료

Doug garr, Successful story of IBM, 1999
Nancy Foy, Empowering People at Work, Gower, 1994
Dennis C Kinlaw, The Practice of Empowerment, Gower, 1994
Chris Aggyris, Empowerment : The Emperor`s New Clothes, Harvard Business Review ,1998
Suzy Wetlaufer, Organizing for empowerment : An interview with aes`s Roger Sant and Dennis Bakke, Harvard Business Review ,1999
Park Won Woo, Carring empowerment, Global, 1998
Lee Chol Woo, Effect of empowerment for organization member, 2001
Elisabeth Haberleither, Leadship, Kukil economic organization, 2002
Prime Business Review 2000. 1 ` Successful constipation of first type plant`
The Economist, January 1993. `To save Big Blue`


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Empowerment(Fab sweets) Organizational Behavour
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