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Now, I will begin my presentation about the scene of Golgul-temple. The scene of Golgul-sa was emotional and simple. I didn`t think that I saw women who were selling the various vegetables in the temple. I was so surprised. I didn`t hear about Golgul-sa during old days. But it seems so famous to many people. It was different from my idea. Maybe many people were coming and going in Golgul-sa for a long time.
We were walking an uphill road. We met a monk`s assistant. They were kind. We went to more higher place than now. The road had a steep slope. When we arrived at top of temple, there were some Buddha`s believer. They looked housewife. Maybe they wished their family`s healthy, success and lucky. Golgul-sa had a wonderful precipice. There was nature and more and more miraculous. Especially there were many cavities. One of the cavities had a stone Buddhist statue. It was not big. Maybe it seemed to feel the current of long times.
There was a path in the middle of precipice. We went up to arrive at the path using a rope. The Buddhist statue was located in the end of path. The path was so tough, so we should be careful. I saw the under place and felt fresh air. Golgul-sa was arranged clearly.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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