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[경영학]도요타의 경영전략(영문 한글파일)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


도요타의 경영전략에 관해 정리했습니다.영문으로 되어있으며, 한글파일입니다.


1. Company Profile _______________________ 3
2. History of Toyota _______________________ 4
3. Vision _______________________ 5
(1) Guiding Principles
(2) The Toyota Percepts
(3) Toyota`s Global Vision 2010
4. The 14 Management Principles of Toyota ____________ 6
(1) Long-Term Philosophy
(2) The Right Process Will Produce Right Results
(3) Add Value by Developing Your People and Partners
(4) Continuously Solving Root Problems Drives Learning
5. Production System _______________________ 10
(1) Roots of TPS
(2) TPS Concept
(3) TPS
(4) Eliminating Waste
6. Human Management _______________________ 16
7. Mutual Relation _______________________ 18
8. Environmental Analysis _______________________19
9. Conclusion _______________________ 19


1. Company Profile
The year 2005 was another significant year for Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC). It was the year that Toyota played part in the EXPO 2005 Aichi, Japan, which attracted 22 million visitors, stimulated the local economy and enlivened all of Japan. At the Toyota Group Pavilion, TMC was able to present to large numbers of people from around the world its activities relating to mobility in the 21st century and its initiatives to help create a society in which there is harmony between people, the earth and the environment.
2005 was also the year that Toyota launched the Lexus brand in Japan, seeking to develop it into a global luxury brand. Japanese sales of the GS, IS and SC series, which pursue the essence of luxury, attracted considerable attention from customers and established a strong luxury vehicle image.
Outside Japan, Toyota launched a number of projects. In the Czech Republic, Toyota started joint production of the Aygo with PSA Peugeot Citroën, and in China, Toyota began production of the Prius and the Crown-their first-ever production overseas.

참고 자료

각종 인터넷 홈페이지
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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