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영작.추석의 유래,추석의 음식, 추석의 놀이등

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최종 저작일
1페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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추석의 유래 추석의 음식 추석의 놀이등..
영작을 하였습니다.


1.Customs of Harvest Moon Day

2.Rice cake. (Food of Harvest Moon Day)

3.Transmission playing in Harvest Moon Day.


Harvest Moon Day that originates to enjoy a year of abundance. so. foods of Harvest Moon Day are more grater than other day. what do you think the most typical food is in Harvest Moon Day? That is a rice cake. If the Harvest Moon Day thinks the new grain the reaping outdoors thanks proposal meaning against, it is a custom which is natural. The brush leaf which enters into the rice cake plentifully is become known as a health food width even in now and it prevents the disease of adult and is clause cancer action is research. Even from the Chinese medicine from former times the food where the freshness eats the brush leaf it thought and it ate for a long time and with the food which is the possibility becoming the freshness it thought. It is like that and frequently the people who wipe a degree from the mountain change the brush leaf and the ink they boil and. To the motion handbook the skin does to recover the boil with custom, the hair it does to be born, it is not hungry it is not and it lives long and that it does as a favor, say about it is. It was like that and isn't the fact that at the Harvest Moon Day when it does it made autumn harvest the rice cake with the brush leaf.

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