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Merits in Play (놀이의 유용성)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


놀이는 교육학계뿐 아니라 여러 인간의 삶의 영역을 다루는 학문들에게 점차 중요시되고 있습니다. 연극치료를 공부하는 사람으로써 놀이가 인간에게 왜 필요하고 어떤 유용함이 있는지 논하였습니다.


Merits in Play
1. Physical Development and Exercise
2. Social growth
3. Mental health
4. Creativity and Arts


The spirit of Capitalism and Protestantism created a culture of work ethic. People in this culture might feel worthless, if they are not always busying with something productive. This psychological tendency make people think that play is something silly and childish in our contemporary society. Play has been considered as something that only children do and need for their education and growth. From the childhood, we have been told stories of The Hare and the Tortoise and The Ants and the Grasshopper. And we have been taught by parents and teachers that hard working would give us blessing with achievement, and play without working would be a sin of useless action and wasting time, so we all have a hypnotic message which we might be punished if we played a lot. But as we experienced in the class, each of us, as an adult, enjoyed playing and got something valuable from playing.

참고 자료

Nellie McCaslin, Creative Drama in the Classroom and Beyond (New York: Longman, 2000)
Virginia Postrel, article The Hidden Power of Play From The Future and Its Enemies Reprinted in Reader’s Digest
Yannis Karaliotas, The Element of Play in Learning-The Role of Synergetic Playful Environments in the Implementation of Open and Distance Learning, http://users.otenet.gr/~kar1125/proj99.htm#a, 1999


판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Merits in Play (놀이의 유용성)
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