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[영어작문/영어에세이/영어일기] 영어논문작성 A+ 자료 - 지구 온난화 외

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8페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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영어논문작성 과목 A+ 받은 자료입니다.
일곱 편의 영어 에세이로 구성되어 있습니다.


1. Ambiguous day; neither bad but nor happy

2. FTA; another chance to growth or short cut to collapse?

3. The Problems of Internet

4. Superstition; is it just foolish customs?

5. Causes and solution for generation gap

6. TOEFL; heavy burden of Korean students

7. Global warming: the two sides of the same coin


Ambiguous day; neither bad but nor happy

I’m not feeling too well today. Actually today must be very happy day but it wasn`t. Rather today is gloomy day. After classes, I moved to Hongdae for meeting boyfriend and I arrived at there about 6:40. But until 7:10, he didn`t show up and just keep saying `I almost reach there, please wait a second` by cell phone message. May be that was a source of today`s screwed feeling. Finally he arrived but he didn`t say sorry about his tardy. Naturally due to his disappointing behavior, I was upset at the bottom.

Anyway we went to `primo bachio`, very famous italian restaurant in Seoul, but we had to wait, of course, for almost one hour owing to bunches of people. But at that time we even did not have enough time to taking our supper because the concert would start at 8 o`clock.

Helplessly we should just get out of there and go somewhere else. But I was very disappointed with this situation because I really wanted to have a dinner at there. And it made me blamed my boyfriend even though I knew that this situation was not his fault. Because if he came more earlier, but still we couldn`t have a dinner at there. So we went to grecian restaurant next to the primo bachio and of course we couldn`t enjoy our dinner but just cram the food into mouth.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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2024년 06월 02일 일요일
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