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Global economic NY times article summary

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Newyork Times article중에서 Global economic에 관련된 것을 읽고 요약한것입니다.
네이티브에게 문법체크도 받아서 영어도 완벽하구요~
기사는 2007.03.03일 The Classic British Sports Car From China 기사입니다.




The Classic British Sports Car from China
Globalization of economy

Chinas growing economic mighty is reaching carefully into foreign markets by buying up troubled companies with established brands and using them to build bridgeheads for outward investment. This approach is different from Japan and Korea, which spent billions of dollars over decades to build recognized brands. Their growth is too costly and too slow because their brands are not known in European or American market. In addition to, build a brand-new platform would also cost them a lot of time and investment. Even a few years ago, it would have been difficult to get approval for investing overseas but now the government encourages companies to go out and make acquisitions. These efforts made a window of opportunity to have a sharp increase in deals all over the world. In spite of their fast growing economy, their foreign investments are not that high compare to Japan’s. Even so, Chinas outward investments have already caused some alarm.

MG, the classic British brand will be revived as a Chinese sports car when the Nanjing Automobile Corporation begins to produce sports cars under that name in China. The rebirth of MG is the latest and most remarkable example of the strategy for Chinas bigger companies. Though British believed that their brand would not be made in China, Nanjing Automobile straightened out given problem. Since Nanjing Auto believe that the brand is more important than other things. Therefore, they are eager to preserve the British flavors of the brand. Nanjing Auto hopes to export their products in Britain and eventually continental Europe and America. In order to make success in international market, the chairman of Nanjing Auto emphasizes on keeping the original flavors.

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