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Aribus A380 (영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
22페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Aribus A380 in Supply Chain Strategies


Executive Summary 3
Introduction 4
A380 Characteristics 4
Overview of the manufacturing and assembly processes of the A380 5
Components Made by Airbus Plants 6
Components Made by Other Suppliers 8
Types of Carriers 9
Assembly of the Airbus A380
Aligning and Joining the A380 10
Equipping the A380 11
Painting the A380 12
Customization of the A380 12
Delivery of the A380 13
Problems Due to Delays 14
Causes for Delays 14
Consequences for Delays
Economic Looses 15
Executives being fired 15
Canceled Orders 15
Employee Strikes 16
Rise of Competitors 16
Recommendations 16
Conclusion 17
What we Learned 18
Appendix A 20
Bibliography 21


Executive Summary
If we could rephrase the saying that said “Desperate needs call for desperate measures”, we could change to “complex needs call for complex measures.” With this sentence we would pretty much sum up Airbus’s newest and biggest project ever to be created by them or any other commercial airplane manufacturer for a single plane in the world. The sourcing process of the Airbus 380, better known as A380, is a multifaceted series of events that lies in the hands of dozens of premium suppliers all over the world. These suppliers ship their immense parts by air, land and sea.
Most of the parts manufactured for this plane are directly manufactured by Airbus owned and operated plants all over Europe. However, there are many suppliers in North America and the Middle East that provide components as well.
Airbus takes great pride in their Logistics processes. Once the parts are ordered and produced an incredible journey begins. Huge airplanes are used to fly heavy components, gigantic sea barges cross the oceans with massive part planes on board, and finally immense trucks carrying massive components cross through European cities as if they were giant moving factories.

참고 자료

Adams, Marilyn. USAtoday. 21st September 2006. 16 March 2008 <http://www.usatoday.com/money/biztravel/2006-09-21-airbus-delay_x.htm>.
Aerospace Technology. 2008. 16 March 2008 <http://www.aerospace-technology.com/projects/airbus_a380/>.
Airbus. A380 Delivery. 10 October 2007. 17 March 2008 <http://www.a380delivery.com/>.
EADS. AIRBUS S.A.S. 2008. 15 March 2008 <www.airbus.com>.
Worlds Biggest Airliner: The Airbus A380: The Race to Build. Dir. Bowie. 2006.

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