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Diet Analysis Plus,식단분석 프로그램, 다이어트 분석, 식품영양, nutrition

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


제 식단을 중심으로 식단 분석 프로그램을 이용한 상세한 기록입니다.
신장과 운동량을 바탕으로 한 이상적인 칼로리가 계산되는데
저의 일주일 식단을 기록하여 분석한 내용입니다.
구체적인 영양소와 미네랄 비타민까지 분석하였습니다.
좋은 점수를 받았고 일반 한국인의 체형과 음식으로 한국에서도 미국에서도 이용하시기 좋은 자료입니다.


Diet Analysis Plus

1. Profile:

2. Specifically discuss about your BMI.
Determine whether your current weight is appropriate for your height.

3. Discuss Bar graph:
a. Starting from calories, protein, fiber, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol etc.

b. Vitamins, especially if any vitamin is less than the DRI.

c. Minerals, every mineral if that is less than or higher than the DRI.

4. Discuss Pyramid: (Note: Pyramid and Bar Graph are interlinked. If you meet Pyramid requirements your Bar Graph will start looking much healthier)

5. Discuss percentage of Energy Providing Nutrients. Are those meeting DRI recommendations? If not, what steps should you take to improve that situation?

6. Discuss Ratios: Specially Ca:P (Calcium: Phosphorus) and K:Na (Potassium : Sodium) ratios. If those ratios are not as recommended by DRI what specific steps you will take to rectify the problem?

7. Conclusion


1. Profile:
The recommended daily calories are 1865.22. The weight is 110 lbs, and height is 5 ft 5 in. I am lightly active. The proper intakes will be in carbohydrates 270.46g, protein 39.92g, and fat total 62.17g.
According to the basic components:
Protein: __39.92__ g/day x 4 kcal/g = (P) ___159.68___ kcal/day.
Fat: _ 62.17__ g/day x 9 kcal/g = (F) ___559.53__ __ kcal/day.
Carbohydrate: __270.46 _ g/day x 4 kcal/g = (C) __1081.84___ kcal/day.
Percentage of kcalories from protein: (P ÷ T) x 100 = __8.56__% of total kcalories.
Percentage of kcalories from fat: (F ÷ T) x 100 = ___29.99___% of total kcalories.
Percentage of kcalories from carbohydrate: (C ÷ T) x 100 = ___58___% of total kcalories.

2. Specifically discuss about your BMI.
Determine whether your current weight is appropriate for your height.
Height: ________5ft 5in_________ in (or cm).
Weight: ________110___________ lb (or kg).
Entire range: ____114____ to ____144_____ lb (or kg).
My current weight falls without the suggested range but, it is almost in there because my weight is not always the same. Now I am controlling my diet so, it reduced from 115 lb to 110 lb. The error or yo-yo effect in weight can exist. That is why I do not fix my weight on the range.
BMI: _____18.31_____ kg/m2.
lb * 703 = 110 * 703 = 18.30
in2 65*65
I am in almost proper range of the BMI, and I am healthy. So, I do not need gain weight and also I am not in risk of any disease based on BMI. I should maintain my current weight.

참고 자료

Diet Analysis Plus (program)
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Diet Analysis Plus,식단분석 프로그램, 다이어트 분석, 식품영양, nutrition
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