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영문/Critique on neoliberalism or neoliberal institutionalism/신자유주의 비판

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11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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현 미국 중심의 신 자유주의의 경제와 정치에의 영향을 비판 분석한 영문 리포트 입니다.




Neo-liberalism has now taken place as a main principle in many countries of the world. The term “neoliberalism”, according to Chomsky (ChomskyNoam 1999, 19), is the United States-centered market oriented principle that suggests a system of principles that is both new and based on classical liberal ideas, and is symbolized as the “Washington Consensus”, designed and enforced by the government of the United States. It implies a tight structural adjustment program.
Every ideology, whether religious or secular, can be regarded as one form of utopia in the sense that it is under the premise of its own ideal world, and at the same time suggests a realistic guide that provides the standard of a certain behavior towards the ideal. The ideology may serve as a reason for certain policies of the state, which will have a specific impact on the form of the society.
This paper aims at providing a theoretical framework for critiquing the pervasive principle of the U.S.-influenced neoliberalism, or neoliberal institutionalism. The basic theoretical assumptions of neoliberalism, how different the results become from what the neoliberals think and advocate, and the problematic figures of neoliberalism as well as the negativity of its effect will be tackled in this paper.

참고 자료

ChomskyNoam. “Profit over people.” New York: Seven Stories Press, 1999.
BalaamD., VesethM. “"Laissez-Faire, Laissez-Passer": The Liberal IPE Perspective.” , “Introduction to International Political Economy”, 45-66. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2001.
Moncada, Alberto. Fallacies of neoliberalism and the emergence of human rights. Sociologists without Borders/Sociologos Sin Fronteras (SSF), 1.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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영문/Critique on neoliberalism or neoliberal institutionalism/신자유주의 비판
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