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한국의 저출산율의 문제점,현황과 해결책

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


한국의 출산율에 대한 Essay입니다.
저출산율의 원인과 문제점 그리고 해결책에 대한 에세이글입니다.
Introduction,body,conclusion이 분명한 글입니다.




When you ask any working woman who has a young child how her day was, you are likely to get a five-minute-long answer about how tough it was. My sister, the daughter of my aunt said that she is considering quitting her job for bringing her baby. She wishes she did not have to juggle both her career and her family. After conversation with her, I thought that it is not easy to raise children, as a working mom.
Babies are not wanted here. It seems. Lately in Korea, decline of childbirth rate has been a big problem. Every year childbirth rate is declining. According to a UN report Wednesday, an average Korean couple had 1.2 children, behind Hong Kong`s 0.9 among 156 countries. The low birthrate is a result of more women participating in the workforce and the lack of a social system that makes these people focus on their careers more. The specific policy needs to prevent serious situation.
The government has initiated a campaign to boost the birthrate. Families with multiple children are to be subsidized for childcare. About 470,000 are expected to benefit from the program. However, the actual conditions is not good. So many parents leave their children in a grandparent’s home due to the shortage of a child-care center. The government has to build many child-care centers and they need to be located in near parent’s company or home so that parent oftenly can check children’s condition.

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한국의 저출산율의 문제점,현황과 해결책
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