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정상파 실험 - Wave On a String

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


일반 물리학 실험 - 정상파에 관련된 실험 자료


1. Theory
2. Experimental Data and Analysis
3. The Error Analysis
4. Answering the Question.


Standing Wave

A standing wave in a transmission line is a wave in which the distribution of current, voltage, or field strength is formed by the superposition of two waves propagating in opposite directions. The effect is a series of nodes (zero displacement) and anti-nodes (maximum displacement) at fixed points along the transmission line. Such a standing wave may be formed when a wave is transmitted into one end of a transmission line and is reflected from the other end by an impedance mismatch, i.e., discontinuity, such as an open circuit or a short. The failure of the line to transfer power at the standing wave frequency will usually result in attenuation distortion.
In practice, losses in the transmission line and other components mean that a perfect reflection and a pure standing wave are never achieved. The result is a partial standing wave, which is a superposition of a standing wave and a travelling wave. The degree to which the wave resembles either a pure standing wave or a pure travelling wave is measured by the standing wave ratio.
The equation of a standing wave is represented as follow,

y= y_0 sin⁡(kx-ωt)+y_0 sin⁡(kx+ωt)

Using a trigonometric identity to simplify,

y= y_0 cos⁡(ωt) sin⁡(kx)

Where y_0is the amplitude of the wave, ω is 2π times the frequency, k is 2π divided by the wavelength, and x and t are variables for longitudinal position and time, respectively

참고 자료

Experiment Manual (PASCO)..

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