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미학적 놀이 개념과 알바 알토의 건축

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 19권 / 2호
저자명 : 김현섭


1. 서론
2. 미학적 놀이 개념의 변천
2-1. 고전 철학에서의 놀이
2-2. 쉴러의 유희충동
2-3. 진화론자의 놀이
2-4. 정신분석학에서의 놀이
2-5. 호이징하의 호모 루덴스
3. 알바 알토와 위료 히른의 놀이
3-1. 놀이에 관한 알토의 언설
3-2. 유희충동, 잉여 에너지, 그리고알토의 놀이
3-3. 위료 히른의 놀이와 예술
4. 알바 알토의 놀이 구축
5. 결론

영어 초록

The purpose of this research is to rethink Alvar Aalto's architecture on the basis of the aesthetic concept of play. This attempt is valid because he had asserted the importance of play in his design. But more fundamentally, his critical view of the instrumentalised rationalism implied the idea that a human being is “Man the Player” as well as “Man the Thinker”, of which theory was elaborated in Johan Huizinga's Homo Ludens (1938). Premised on it, this paper investigated the evolution of the play idea in aesthetics and located Aalto's concept within the map. Summing up, his play was an intuitively grasped desire opposed to a rational requirement, which leads to a dialectical synthesis. This schema is similar to that of Schiller, in which Spiel reconciles the reason and the sense. However, Aalto's play could be differentiated into the "astonishingly rational" and "a jest", each of which roughly corresponds to the Spieltrieb (play impulse) and the sinnliche Trieb (sensuous impulse) in Schiller's thinking. On the other hand, Aalto's architecture illustrates play that could be interpreted as the overflow of surplus energy. This play is the very concept that can bridge the gap in the form-function formula of modern architecture. Aalto's play idea seemed to basically originate from his personality but its value must be confirmed by the Finnish litterateur Yrjö Hirn as Aalto mentioned in his statements (1953 & 1972). It appears that Aalto's play concept was materialised in architecture through his typical design language, such as the undulating wall, the aperspective space, the imitation of nature and the collage of heterogenous elements. However, we should be careful not to reductively analyse the application of play in practise. As Huizinga's comprehensive theory suggests, the play element exists in any cultural areas including any architectural activities. In conclusion, this paper argues that Alvar Aalto the Homo Ludens presented the possibility of critical rationalism in modern architecture by imbuing dry modernism with "the life enhancing charm" of "the art of play".

참고 자료



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미학적 놀이 개념과 알바 알토의 건축
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