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MAST 포장의 공용성 평가

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국도로학회 수록지정보 : 한국도로학회논문집 / 25권 / 6호
저자명 : 김제원


1. 서론
2. MAST 복합포장체
3. 공용성 평가 방법
3.1. LFWD 시험
3.2. MMLS3 시험
3.3. Sand Patch 시험
4. 공용성 시험 결과
4.1. LFWD 시험 결과
4.2. MMLS3 시험 결과
4.3. Sand Patch 시험 결과
5. 결론
감사의 글

영어 초록

PURPOSES : The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of MAST composite pavement. METHODS : A Testbed with three different sections with varying pavement materials were constructed: Section 1 (MAST(Multi-Layered Asphalt Surface Treatment) Composite Pavement; RCC(Roller Compacted Concrete)+Modified DBST(Double Bituminous Surface Treatment), Section 2 (Aggregate base+Modified DBST), and Section 3 (aggregate base+General DBST). The structural stability and skid resistance were evaluated using LFWD test and sand patch test, respectively. Moreover, laboratory specimens of four different pavement materials (HMA(Hot Mix Asphalt), Gravel base+DBST, RCC+DBST, and RCC+Modified DBST) were fabricated using and the rutting resistance of each pavement type was evaluated using the MMLS3. RESULTS : As a result of the LFWD(Light Falling Weight Deflectometer) test, the elastic modulus of Section 1 was significantly higher compared to the other section with values between 450 MPa to 650 MPa. Meanwhile, the elastic modulus of Section 2 and Section 3 were almost similar from 50 MPa to 150 MPa. Moreover, sand patch test results showed that Section 1 and Section 2 have an excellent surface roughness with values higher than 0.7 mm but Section 3 has a poor surface roughness with MTD(Mean Texture Depth) value of 0.4 mm. Lastly, based on the results of the MMLS3(third scale Model Mobile Load Simulator) test, gravel base+DBST showed the lowest resistance to rutting among the four specimens, and both RCC+modified DBST and RCC+DBST showed good performance up to 600 loading cycles, but the rut depth increased rapidly until 1,000 loading cycles. CONCLUSIONS : MAST composite pavement(RCC+modified DBST) has superior structural stability compared to general DBST pavement (aggregate base+DBST), has excellent skid resistance with values higher than 0.7 mm, and has similar rutting resistance to that of general dense asphalt concrete pavement. Therefore, exhibiting its good performance in both structural and functional aspects, it can be concluded that MAST composite pavement(RCC+modified DBST) can be an effective alternative for pavement material in Southeast Asian developing countries where support for heavy vehicle loads is required and rutting is likely to occur.

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MAST 포장의 공용성 평가
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