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애널리틱스, 빅데이터 관련 6개 기사 독후감상문_Columbia Univ_Reading Reviews on 6 articles about big data and analytics

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"애널리틱스, 빅데이터 관련 6개 기사 독후감상문_Columbia Univ_Reading Reviews on 6 articles about big data and analytics"에 대한 내용입니다.




Among the reasons why big data projects fail in the article, the management’s resistance is the top critical factors. No matter how tech savvy and analytically competitive the employees are, if the leadership of a company distrusts the capability of analytics, the company cannot move forward in this age of flooding data. In my previous work as a procurement professional at eTEC, an industrial construction company, most of the top managers in the department relied on their gut feelings when choosing which several suppliers to procure equipment or machineries from, rather than digging into the accumulated supplier information and perform analysis. Often, some of the suppliers shortlisted by the managers’ gut feelings were not able to meet the technical design or budget requirements, wasting engineers’ and buyers’ time. Although it was not a big data project, the same notion applies; analysis must be incorporated to make more effective decisions so that the company can operate businesses in more effective and smart way.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증
@ 미국 학부 & 미국 대학원 관련 자료 (Admissions, 학교 과제, 논문)
- 경제학, 빅데이터/데이터 사이언스 전공
@ 커리어 관련 자료 (한국회사 & 미국 회사 이력서/자소서/커버레터 - 국문, 영문)
- 구매, 영업, 빅데이터 분석/데이터 사이언티스트
논문, 경영/경제, 공학/기술
판매자 정보
  • 비공개


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애널리틱스, 빅데이터 관련 6개 기사 독후감상문_Columbia Univ_Reading Reviews on 6 articles about big data and analytics
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