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Western Civilization [연세대학교] [기말] [국제대]

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최종 저작일
66페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 15,000원 할인쿠폰받기




Ancient Roman Empire extent
Romans created early infra, borders of the empire consist of rivers
Roads easy to occupy and control the huge empire, build new cities, systems of weights and measures, coinage, powerful military

500 AD no centralized control. Small regional kingdoms, infra disappeared. Entire region violence, no rule of law, no longer adequate systems of currency

Roman Republic/Empire: 509 BCE-480 CE
Carolingian Empire: 8th century CE
Holy Roman Empire with crowning of Charlemagne in 800 (Dissolution under Napoleon in 1806)
->Suggest continuity from ancient Rome to his own rule
->Legitimate himself in the present from the past happenings, political purposes

Form of UNFREE LABOR but NOT Slavery
->Give significant percentage of their produce to the overlord, but not technically slaves
NO Right of Geographic Mobility-tied to manor or manorial estate
Specific Rights: share of produce or number of days allowed for own work and production

Cultivate land, rotate crops, animal manure as fertilizers

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Western Civilization [연세대학교] [기말] [국제대]
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